Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...

Kingdom Connection is not just about Global missions. We believe that God has placed us here to reach, love, and pray for our own communities. Your giving goes directly to ministries that are impacting our local community. Not only that, it gives you the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ through our serve days and outreaches. You may not be able to go overseas on a missions trip, but we can still impact the
Kingdom right here in our own back yard.
We want Kingdom Connection to be more than another “program.” We desire to see it as the heartbeat of our church, because we believe reaching the lost with the Gospel is the heartbeat of God. Through monthly giving, we are able to partner with missionaries around the world who are building churches, training pastors, and reaching those that we will never come in contact with.

The Mission of the Assemblies Of God World Missions
Reach the lost. We reach the spiritually lost with the message of Jesus Christ through every available means.
We plant churches in 255 countries, territories and provinces around the world.
Worldwide, we train and equip believers in Jesus to effectively proclaim His gospel to their own people and to other nations.
We serve the poor and suffering with Christ’s compassion and invite them to become His followers.

Give To Make A Difference
Reaching The Lost Through Financial Giving.
Through monthly giving, we partner with Missionaries around the world! Not only do we support
individual Missionaries, but organizations like Speed The Light, Light For The Lost, BGMC and many more. If you'd like to partner with us to help spread the Gospel, follow the link below to give today!
individual Missionaries, but organizations like Speed The Light, Light For The Lost, BGMC and many more. If you'd like to partner with us to help spread the Gospel, follow the link below to give today!